Friday, May 20, 2011

There can be only one.

Competition is the driver of life, and winnows the wheat from the chaff.

Daily, I put every piece of my body through challenges and trials in order to kill of weak cells, and promote strong ones. Over the course of my lifetime, all weakness will be purged. Ultimately, my body will be comprised of ONE invulnerable, immortal cell. And you monkeys can rest assured that that single-celled organism will rise to rule the world as your overlord, your Waakabee.

Though my mono-cellular future is a long way off, I am firmly on the path. Last week, I shed several eyelashes. Two months ago, a portion of my spleen. The latest victim of my self-exercise in natural selection is my front tooth.

Good-bye, tooth. Thou wast weak, and I am better off without thee.

That is all...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The accolades continue

This should come as no surprise to those of you who know my history, but I was recently honored again at an award ceremony was held at my local school/prison.

The program is called "Rocket Readers" and true to the name, I am part of an elite group of engineer/astrophysicists who qualified by mastering thousands of pages of technical journals and plans.

At least that's how I did it. I hear that other children were allowed to qualify by reading children's literature and drivel like "Big Dog Little Dog," and "Captain Underpants."

I don't know what shenanigans and bullshit the Rocket program administration is up to, but a program aimed at future engineers/astronauts/mad scientists should clearly have standards.

I will sort it out with them. A coup de'tat is not out of the question.

Here's a pic of me and my holmes Seth and our medals. We're stoked.

That is all...
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