Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rock on.

I sure do love listening to the Sun Tzu podcast on my Bose Quiet Comfort 2 headphones. Or am I listening to the Backyardigans? Don't be too hasty to judge. The show is an excellent lesson on group dynamics. And how to use a fantasy role-playing to control your plebs.

Note to Bose - please endorse me.

That is all...
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I am his Mr. Miagi

First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule, Cooper-san, not mine.

That is all...
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Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's No Lantean Control Chair...

Today I...

Began trying to reprogram Cooper's chair to suit my malicious needs. I used to rock out in this thing all day and dream up plans of world domination, ponder the ethics of being a deity, etc. etc.

Now that Coop's here, the Chair has been reassembled. Since the Drooler is busy elsewhere, I take the opportunity to try and hacking this baby.

What I'm envisioning is a way to activate various electronic jamming devices, super weapons, death rays, and possibly a trapdoor or something with this guy. Sync be damned, this beotch will have Bluetooth.

A HUD is not out of the question, though I may stick with a traditional LCD panel and touchscreen interface.

Right now the software is in R&D, but it will likely come from some SE Asian province, where my likeness is undoubtedly already on their money, statues, public parks, and public buildings. The internet is a beautiful thing. To monkeys everywhere. The Waakabee sends his greetings.

That is all...
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Saturday, January 05, 2008

COOLEST day, to date.

When I think of all the cool days ahead of me, many things come to mind. The day I get my driver's license. The day I get my right to carry permit. The day I conquer the world. The day I get my first manly chest hair. The day I get to see a live action Silverhawks movie, starring Matthew McConaughey as Bluegrass.

However, none of these compares to today. Today I went to see Lightning McQueen in person. Live, in the autobody flesh, one of my heroes.

Here in this picture I bow my head in reverence to him. He is great. He is fast. He is LIGHTNING. Frackin' A.

This event was not mine alone to experience - I met up with my consigliere, Frederick. Or, as he sometimes likes to be called when we play Miami Vice, "Rico".

I've long since learned that you cannot conquer the world alone. Although I have no plans to share power, I do need loyal and able henchmen to assist me. Freddie is my number two, my William Riker, my Robin, my Starbuck. He and I have successfully planned and executed no fewer than a dozen high risk jobs in the last year.

Together, we are unstoppable. Even when we get our signals crossed, as evidenced by this photo.

We ran all over the place, checking out the sweet rides at the event, and the hot chicks...

...plotting the take down of the world, practicing our Matrix fight moves (note we move faster than even a camera computer chip can register!)...

...and the seemingly most mundane but ultimately useful skill, running from the cops.

Ah Fred, the future we'll have. Stick with me, and we'll go far. Oh, and don't plan on going Brutus on me. I read Julius Caesar. (bet you didn't know it comes in a board book format!)

That is all...
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