Friday, August 18, 2006

Fret not, monkeys.

I am still recovering from my lengthy trip to our nation's capital with my parents. I have many photos and stories to tell.

I have also recently hit several milestones in my young life that you shouldbe made aware of, so that you can properly bask in my glory.

That is all...


  1. You had a three day weekend and you could not find five minutes to update this site. Are you playing some sort of sick joke on us by seeing how long you can string us along? We all need to get our fix and the dealer has been out for quite sometime.

  2. ok, that's it. Iam done with this blog. You never put up anything new. I know for a fact your sit on your butt all weekend and do nothing. Come on, you just have one kid and you can't keep up. Really!
