Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mobility is key to victory...

It is now confirmed, monkeys, that I am mobile.

I have completed testing of my personal locomotion apparatus and have begun crawling. I am now fully capable of moving anywhere I so choose, and I am able to move around or through smaller roadblocks and impediments.

In field tests, I have successfully traveled in a straight line. I have been able to perform right-hand and left-hand turns. I am capable of turning 360 degrees and going in reverse. Much like Optimus Prime, I can travel a great distance, and then transform into a killing machine complete with grasping arms and swiveling head in less than two seconds.

For my first field exercise, Operation Baby Thunder, I stalked Charlie across the room and successfully grabbed his tail. In my second exercise, Operation Smokey Bandit, performed in cooperation with Mommy, I was able to move from one room to another while being pursued at high speeds. In my final field exercise, I tested my mobile infant to havoc wreaker back to mobile infant capabilities in the living room, while the enemy (Daddy) was sanding and painting cabinets. I was able to move in, strike, and move out in less than 30 seconds, leaving a trail of sawdust and black interior semigloss paint. Needless to say, Operation Painted Hyena was a huge success.

I am now moving on to continued research in elevated warfare, having mastered raising up on one knee nearly a month ago.

I'm sure that it won't be long until I live up to my namesake and am capable of bi-pedal locomotion. Then all shall rue the day they mocked my previous inability to walk! Especially you, Ralphie! Your time is drawing near.

That is all...

1 comment:

  1. So where are the updates? What you start to move around and you think that you no longer need to update the site? You go on vacation and can't spend 5 minutes letting us know what is going on? I really think that your lazy father needs to get up off of his lazy back side and spend a little quality time with the blog.
