Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Junk in the Trunk? Try Junk in the Bonnet.

I am including this photo just to show you my huge bulge.

You: "You're just a baby and whoever wrote this is sick."
Me: Calm down there, Prudence. I'm just putting it out there. Don't be jealous that my similac-shake brings all the girls to the yard. Besides, who am I not to praise God's gifts? Oh, and judging by the size of it, this gift is a doozie.

You: "This counts as kiddie p0rn."
Me: You're sick for even knowning what that is. Knock, knock. I think Dateline is at your door.

You: "That's just a bulging wet diaper"
Me: Leave the Bulgarians out of this. They did nothing to you.

That is all... Posted by Picasa


  1. a month and no post, really wtf is up with that???

  2. YO DUDE, We all know that you just had a long weekend and expected to see fresh material. But alas our hopes were smashed when we logged in to see posts that are over a month old. You think that you can spare 5 lousy minutes to share some photos with your fans? Maybe it is asking too much, but remember that you set the initial bar by posting everyday.
